Day 1

So finally, on day who knows what of quarantine, I am on the motivated train again! Graduating in this crazy time is super weird and unreal. I don't feel like I've really graduated, I'm graduating a year early so it's already surreal, but by not walking it just feels like a dream. Originally when I was deciding to graduate early, the main reason was to give myself a year to breath. However, now during quarantine it feels like I'm suffocating. I thought I was going to have an entry level job post grad, but plans change and boom now I am out applying again. 

SO this is all to explain that I am now a post college grad (!!) with no job and some motivation to start applying again. There are so many negative factors i.e.
-is anyone even reading my cover letters I spend time writing?
-can I even move somewhere during this lockdown?
-will anyone even hire me to relocate to somewhere? 
-is anyone even hiring??

However, my new plan during quarantine is to apply to a job every day and post a blog every day about it. Mostly this is to give me a goal for each day and a plan for the next month of my life. Inspired by the amazing movie Julie and Julia, I'm hoping this brings me some life realizations haha. 
I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Virginia Commonwealth University and I majored in Fashion Merchandising and Political Science. I'm looking to work in the fashion industry in a position that is analytical and math oriented. I see myself as a buyer, importer/exporter, planner, or somewhere in sustainability. 

Today I applied for a job as an inventory analyst and at the company I applied to it appears to be the assistant to the buyer and planner. Somewhat of a planning position, this job is in California and I am really excited to hear back from them. I don't know if I'm going to post what/if I hear back from companies, but I can tell you I have heard a lot of rejections already (so fun!).
See you tomorrow - Thora
