Hey blog I'm back! I recently discovered my addiction to sneakers and wanted to share with you guys my current wishlisht.

Minimal - as simple as these shoes may seem, a small touch adds a bold statement to each pair. The yellow color blocking on the first pair gives a pop of color that may or may not go with every outfit. However the middle pair has a classic Tommy Hilfiger look with a navy and red stripe that will go with any look. Ok so this last pair is the perfect example of giving your shoes some personality because they accurately represent their designer. Here's a quick moment to guess who could've designed this pair of peaceful slip ons. If you saw these shoes and thought of the quirky and fun pop star Katy Perry congrats you're right! These shoes are random, but a real 'why not' moment for anyone looking to add them to their closet.
Thanks to everyone who read this far, this post was super long but sooo many cute shoes have come out recently that it was hard to narrow down my list of favorites. Anyway thanks for reading about my shoe obsessions and I'll see you soon :)
- Thora
P.S. Here are all of the shoes seen above with some links to where you can buy them.
Top Shop
Embroidered Gold
Embroidered Jean
Tommy's Tigers
Pink Pom Poms
Pink Satin
Blue and White Pom Pom
Two-Toned Metallic
Two-Toned Neon
Sam Edelman
Black Pom Pom
Lord and Taylor
Navy and Red Banded
Peace Sign

Embroidery - this trend has been huge this year and can be seen on anything from bomber jackets to shoes just like these. Honestly I really like this trend but only when the designs are simple and interesting. I'm in love with each of these shoes because the different materials and styles are all fresh. I like the new gold and flower mix, the jean and rose is a classic, and the tigers remind me of going to the zoo.
Pom Poms - ok so this trend is a hard one to defend but these shoes make me laugh and that's why I fully support them. They may not be super practical but picture an all black outfit with these crazy shoes to mix it up. Also these colors aren't too extreme, the blue and white is calming, the blush pink is a new trendy color, and black is just classic. The only thing necessary for these shoes is a little bit of confidence.
Metallic - as you may have noticed shiny is in right not, i.e. holographic, and these shoes follow that trend perfectly. The almost purple pink sneakers on the left are super cute, pretty affordable, and also come in a trendy army green too. On the right side these two-toned shoes are exciting, have a small platform for extra height, and have white laces for some extra contrast. Between these two it's hard to choose a favorite so let me know in the comments which you like best.

Minimal - as simple as these shoes may seem, a small touch adds a bold statement to each pair. The yellow color blocking on the first pair gives a pop of color that may or may not go with every outfit. However the middle pair has a classic Tommy Hilfiger look with a navy and red stripe that will go with any look. Ok so this last pair is the perfect example of giving your shoes some personality because they accurately represent their designer. Here's a quick moment to guess who could've designed this pair of peaceful slip ons. If you saw these shoes and thought of the quirky and fun pop star Katy Perry congrats you're right! These shoes are random, but a real 'why not' moment for anyone looking to add them to their closet.
Thanks to everyone who read this far, this post was super long but sooo many cute shoes have come out recently that it was hard to narrow down my list of favorites. Anyway thanks for reading about my shoe obsessions and I'll see you soon :)
- Thora
P.S. Here are all of the shoes seen above with some links to where you can buy them.
Top Shop
Embroidered Gold
Embroidered Jean
Tommy's Tigers
Pink Pom Poms
Pink Satin
Blue and White Pom Pom
Two-Toned Metallic
Two-Toned Neon
Sam Edelman
Black Pom Pom
Lord and Taylor
Navy and Red Banded
Peace Sign
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