
 Day 3 // 07 15 2020

Today, really yesterday, I got motivated to apply to jobs again, yay! I was job searching and I found some that actually seemed plausible the night before, so yesterday I applied. There were two different jobs that I applied for:
1 - a part time, seasonal, temporary (aka no job security) low level job at a really cool company 
2 - a full time entry level position at a company I like, but not necessarily my dream career 
Throughout this job process during covid-19 I've come to the realization that no job is going to be my dream job, because the companies I want to work for are just really not hiring now. Also, I am not really qualified enough to do anything but an entry level position, so if I find one open I feel like I have to apply.
Yesterday I also had a realization for how I want to spend the next year of my life. I am now planning on living at home for the next year, working at (hopefully) a full time position at an entry level job. The goal of this is to gain some experience, while saving my money so in two years my family and I can travel to Europe. Obviously this is only if a vaccine is out for covid-19 and everything has resumed, as much as it can, back to normal. This is basically the only thing motivating me right now, so I'm going to try to stick to it. I'm also hoping that by saving this money and working a full time job, while maybe also working a part-time job, I can save enough money to move to NY or California more comfortably. My thoughts about post-grad have always included me moving to a city somewhere living my best life and having this extra money would obviously help me pay rent, move, etc. Maybe I will look up more jobs tomorrow. 

Updates on other jobs I've applied to:
-most have rejected me
-even more have not responded at all

Hoping to hear back from these companies soon!

Day 2 - 16 June 2020

I did end up taking a break from applying to jobs. Really tragic I know, but honestly applying only to hear rejections is kind of depressing. Also my family and I traveled to Ohio, so I was a little preoccupied. 

Today, I did apply to jobs again (woohoo!). I applied to three jobs at three different companies, and I'm optimistic about some of them. Crazy enough I did hear back, after applying at nine am, this afternoon saying I did not get the job at one of the companies I applied for. This then made me unmotivated to apply for the rest of the day. 

I think for me one of the most disheartening aspects of applying to jobs is writing a cover letter. I use the same resume for pretty much every application (some people say to change it up, but I do not have that kind of patience). However, I spend time writing a cover letter for every job and to me it's extremely stress inducing. I spend time editing my word choice and phrasing to come across knowledgable and eager, but often I edit so much I end up scraping it. Then I write an entirely new cover letter and because I am annoyed at this point I only do a quick review and submit. The reasoning behind this is that I recognize that so many times no one is even reading the letters I spend time writing. For example the company this morning, I spent time editing a cover letter I had already written and rewriting it to improve it. However, in the end I am incredibly doubtful they read it. I think my resume got put in a computer and because I didn't have the key words I was rejected. This leads me all to question why I even spend time writing these cover letters!! People say without them you will never get the job, but it seems as though I'm not getting the job either way. 

Overall I am a little disheartened, but the idea of moving somewhere new and starting at an exciting and innovative company is keeping me going. Right now I am imagining an apartment by the beach or in the middle of a city I've never been to. 

See you maybe tomorrow - Thora

Day 1 - 28 May 2020

So finally, on day who knows what of quarantine, I am on the motivated train again! Graduating in this crazy time is super weird and unreal. I don't feel like I've really graduated, I'm graduating a year early so it's already surreal, but by not walking it just feels like a dream. Originally when I was deciding to graduate early, the main reason was to give myself a year to breath. However, now during quarantine it feels like I'm suffocating. I thought I was going to have an entry level job post grad, but plans change and boom now I am out applying again. 

SO this is all to explain that I am now a post college grad (!!) with no job and some motivation to start applying again. There are so many negative factors i.e.
-is anyone even reading my cover letters I spend time writing?
-can I even move somewhere during this lockdown?
-will anyone even hire me to relocate to somewhere? 
-is anyone even hiring??

However, my new plan during quarantine is to apply to a job every day and post a blog every day about it. Mostly this is to give me a goal for each day and a plan for the next month of my life. Inspired by the amazing movie Julie and Julia, I'm hoping this brings me some life realizations haha. 

I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Virginia Commonwealth University and I majored in Fashion Merchandising and Political Science. I'm looking to work in the fashion industry in a position that is analytical and math oriented. I see myself as a buyer, importer/exporter, planner, or somewhere in sustainability. 

Today I applied for a job as an inventory analyst and at the company I applied to it appears to be the assistant to the buyer and planner. Somewhat of a planning position, this job is in California and I am really excited to hear back from them. I don't know if I'm going to post what/if I hear back from companies, but I can tell you I have heard a lot of rejections already (so fun!).
See you tomorrow - Thora
